Apple releases peppy new ‘Alive’ and ‘Together’ TV ad spots for iPad and iPad mini

Apple has released two energetic new commercials for the iPad showing off a few of the 300,000+ apps designed for its tablet lineup.

The first spot, “Alive”, runs through the adjectives “loud”, “deep” and “alive” to highlight interactive apps like GarageBand, TED and iMovie.

The second ad, “Together”, features the adjectives “wild”, “bright” and “together”.

The campaign works to make the point that the iPad is useful for creative and engaging activities, rather than just passive consumption of content. While the original iPad faced early criticism that it was better suited for consumers than creators, the breadth of apps in the App Store, including Apple’s own titles, like iMovie and GarageBand, have served to dispel the myth.

Apple announced in January that it had sold 22.9 million iPads last quarter. Its dominance in the tablet arena has diminished some, however, as competitors have caught up with their own offerings. Industry estimates for the fourth quarter of 2012 suggest that the company has held onto over 40 percent market share.

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